The Population of Niagara-on-the-Lake has seen some growth in the past few decades. Although this sleepy town was forgotten by most since its early “hay days” in the late and early 1800’s, Niagara, and particularly Niagara-on-the-Lake, has become a favorite retirement destination. Much growth has been seen in the Virgil and St. Davids areas.
Latitude 43.2251
Longitude -79.09768
Total Population 13369.0
Remote Community No
Total Dwellings 5286.0
Regional Municipality NIAGARA REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY Total Land Area 132.024
People Within 40km 390160.0
Principal Community ST CATHARINES
People Within 100 km 6165719.0
Distance 12.7796
Reserve No
Electoral Riding Niagara Falls
Type of Infrastructure: